MOGOLLON RIM LODGE #30 The Mogollon Rim Lodge was chartered on July 24, 2004. The main Lodge is located 15 miles west of Show Low, Arizona however our home is in Pinedale/Clay Springs. We are located at the Odd Fellow-Rebekah Camp and meet in its Clubhouse. The address is 5204 Highway 260 Show Low, AZ. Our meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday at 10:00 am when the Camp is open from May through September. The other months we meet at the Buckeye Lodge hall in Buckeye. Our email is .We
have been able to support the libraries in Pinedale and Clay Springs, the
Pinedale Fire Department Auxiliary, the Clay Springs Cemetery and Park and
many families in need. 2024 Joint Installation at Buckeye
2023 Lodge Officers |